Conditions Of The Foot

Dynamic Physiotherapy is experienced in a number of unique foot conditions.

Foot conditions can cause pain, inflammation and swelling, and they can significantly hinder or limit movement altogether. That’s why our focus is on limiting pain and other symptoms, and maintaining mobility, so that you can get back on your feet in no time.


Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis involves overuse and injury of the Achilles tendons, one of the more commonly injured tendons in the body. Read on as we highlight the signs and symptoms of Achilles tendinitis, other common causes of the injury, and how we create a treatment plan for Achilles tendinitis that’s best for you.



Metatarsalgia refers to foot pain and inflammation experienced in the area commonly referred to as the ‘ball of the foot’. It can be caused or intensified by athletic activities like running and jumping, as well as poor-fitting shoes. At Dynamic Physiotherapy, we’ve seen metatarsalgia quite a bit, and we have comprehensive treatment plans and custom-made products available to get you the relief you need.


PesPlanus (Flat Foot)

Pes Planus (flat foot) can be either temporary or permanent, and can have an impact resulting in knee, hip and back pain. At Dynamic Physiotherapy we’re well-equipped to treat both temporary and permanent cases. If you suspect that you suffer from functional (temporary) Pes Panus, it’s important that you seek treatment that can somewhat correct the ailment, and if you suffer from permanent Pes Panus, Dynamic Physiotherapy can offer a custom-made foot orthotic to help correct the condition and provide relief.


PesCavus (High Arches)

PesCavus (High Arches) is a muscle and ligament condition that causes a ‘high arch’ in the foot. Dynamic Physiotherapy designs unique treatment and therapy for PesCavus targeting the specific muscles in the foot causing pain and instability, and also offers custom-made orthotics to further reduce relevant symptoms of the condition.


Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot issue that can have a slow onset, and can affect patients both young and old. It can occur as a result of excessive athletic activity or poor biomechanics, but there are also predisposing factors that can increase the likelihood of plantar fasciitis. Dynamic Physiotherapy focuses on reducing pain, tension and inflammation with products and therapy that has been shown to be over 90% effective in eliminating the condition.


Heel Spurs

Closely related to Plantar Fasciitis, heel spurs are often associated with previous foot pain, and typically seen in middle aged men and women. The experts at Dynamic Physiotherapy are experienced in recognizing heel spurs, even though they do not always cause significant pain and discomfort, and we offer therapy, treatment and products to treat heel spurs and alleviate symptoms.

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