Acupuncture In Mississauga


A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is used to treat acute and chronic pain and help injuries heal. Embraced by many holistic and alternative medicine practices, it involves the manual stimulation of specific acupuncture points throughout the body using thin needles. Used to treat a variety of conditions, it is an important aspect of many physiotherapy practices.

Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, metal needles to stimulate specific point of the body that reach meridians.

These stimulation points are called acupuncture points or acupoints. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that there are 365 commonly used acupuncture points on 20 meridians on the human body. This safe, effective treatment is typically performed over the course of several sessions at a rate of twice per week for anywhere between 6 and 12 weeks, although some patients find best success with ongoing treatments. During the treatment, patients are asked to lie still while the acupuncturist sterilizes the skin and inserts 4-12 needles, depending on the condition and area being treated. These needles are single use to prevent contamination and are typically made of stainless steel.

A variety of lengths and widths are available for use in different treatment areas with the shorter ones used near the face and longer ones used for fleshier areas. The needles are left in place for approximately 20-30 minutes and may be gently manipulated by the practitioner who will spin, flick, and move the needles in and out of the skin (alternatively the needles may be manipulated if necessary by electrical stimulation called electroacupuncture). By doing so it regulates the qi throughout the body and helps restore health to the mind and body thus balancing yin and yang.

While it is not known for sure exactly how acupuncture works to relieve pain, many experts believe that it causes a release of endorphins in the body. This stimulates the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues and increases blood flow, boosting the body’s natural painkillers.


Through acupuncture we can:

  • Relieve chronic pain
  • Treat lower back pain
  • Relieve stress and muscle spasm
  • Relieve and reduce migraines and headaches
  • Reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
  • Treat chronic knee pain and other extremity conditions
  • Relieve menstrual cramps
  • Reduce chemotherapy induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting

For more information on how acupuncture can alleviate chronic and injury-related pain symptoms, talk to the experts at Dynamic Physiotherapy’s clinic in Mississauga today!

Acupuncture can be used safely to treat patients of all ages, although some medical conditions may not be a good match for this procedure. If you suffer from blood disorders or mental health issues, you should discuss acupuncture with your physician to see if it is right for you.

We offer a wide range of pain management and rehabilitation treatments at our Mississauga clinic that extend beyond the usual scope of any ordinary physiotherapy clinic, allowing our staff of expert health professionals to create the perfect treatment program for your needs.

Some Helpful Questions & Answers About Acupuncture

  • Does Acupuncture Hurt at Dynamic Physiotherapy?

    Acupuncture treatment in most cases is not painful. However, some acupuncture points may be more sensitive and each clients perceive pain differently.

  • Is There Anything I Should Do Before or After Acupuncture Treatment?

    Having a small bite to eat, and avoiding coffee before coming for treatment is recommended. After treatment have some rest, and if you exercise, it’s recommended that you exercise lightly.

  • How Many Acupuncture Sessions Will Help Treat My Pain?

    In many cases, results are felt after the first treatment. Depending on the condition or injury being treated, it may only take several visits to several weeks.

  • Are There People Who Are Not Suitable For Acupuncture Treatment?

    Some clients at risk of complications for acupuncture include those who are pregnant, and those with pacemakers or a bleeding disorder.

  • What’s The Difference Between Shorter and Longer Acupuncture Needles?

    Needle length is determined by the location of acupuncture points. Most acupuncture points tend to require short needles, but long needles for areas such as the buttocks may be required.

Leaders in the field of acupuncture in Ontario, we have been trusted to treat and heal individuals and families since 1996 because:

  • We are committed to maintaining our strong reputation for successful treatment and positive healing experiences for patients of any age
  • Providing a range of pain management techniques, our expert staff will do everything they can to ensure your comfort during your rehabilitation period
  • All of our staff members are fully accredited and regulated health professionals
  • Each and every program we create for our patients complies fully with provincial health and safety regulations

For more information on how acupuncture can alleviate chronic and injury-related pain symptoms, talk to the experts at Dynamic Physiotherapy in Mississauga today!

Our other specialties include:

  • Physiotherapy – Improve muscle mobility, increase movement and facilitate rehabilitation
  • Compression Socks – Prevent and reduce symptoms of venous disorders in the lower extremities
  • Foot Orthotics – Create custom support orthotics for your feet
  • Shockwave Therapy – Treat disorders relating to major connective tissues

For more information on our acupuncture services, please contact the experts at Dynamic Physiotherapy at 289-201-2435.



Dynamic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury in Mississauga

Contact Dynamic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury in Mississauga

For expert care and rehabilitation, contact Dynamic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury in Mississauga. Our dedicated team is ready to help you recover and achieve your health goals.




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Claudia Marcinkiewicz


I have been coming here since I was a little girl with my parents, mostly just waiting for them and playing around with the equipment. Now I have started going in for my own treatments and have nothing but good things to say! Robert and Kasia are always welcoming and truly take care of their clients. I usually go in for a massage on my back and I always leave with it feeling 10 times better. I would recommend Dynamic Physiotherapy to anyone needing physio needs!

MaryJo Landry


I was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy and was referred here. I was amazed on how the treatment for this not only healed me but worked so quickly. Catherine was open and honest about the process and was always friendly. Very clean environment. I would go back anytime I need Physio. I strongly recommend the service here.



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