Conditions Of The Hip/back

Customized treatment for Hip/Back injury recovery.

The Regulated Health Professionals at Dynamic Physiotherapy have significant experience in ensuring that regular wear and tear does not lead to any further back or hip injury, and in limiting the pain and severity of an existing condition. Read on for some of the more common conditions we see at Dynamic Physiotherapy, along with an outline of some of the treatment plans that we can offer you.


Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome has a significant effect on the lower back and lower body movement, with effects being felt across the lower body and sometimes all the way to one’s feet. While signs and symptoms can be similar to sciatica, at Dynamic Physiotherapy we utilize orthopedic tests that can differentiate between the two, and we offer treatment to reduce pain and muscle spasm, and maintain your range of motion.


Bulging Disc/Herniated Disc/Degenerative Disc Disease

At Dynamic Physiotherapy, we’re experts in the wear and tear of the discs of the back, along with damage and back injuries that can cause numbness, weakness and pain. Here we discuss some of the other terms associated with back injuries, causes of different back injuries and pain, as well as our proven treatments to reduce pain and muscle spasm in the back and across the body.



The sciatic nerve is one of the strongest and longest within the body, and injury here has an effect across the lower body. Dynamic Physiotherapy is experienced in differentiating between Sciatica Treatment and Piriformis Syndrome, and providing comprehensive, personalized treatment to reduce pain and inflammation and restore lost muscle function.

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